Sunday, November 7, 2010


My dog rarely ever barks. She's an indoor dog, and we're not even sure she realizes she's actually a dog, not a human. There are occasions when she will bark, such as when certain dogs walk by when she is in our backyard, but it is very rare and always startles us when she does. However, when the postman comes each day it's a completely different story. We think it's because when we first moved here she lay under the front door and prior to having a mailbox, the mail would be dropped through a slot in the door, and onto her head. This would probably set anyone off when you think about... sleeping peacefully and then having things dropped on you from above. Anyway, it's been over a year now that we've had a mailbox but our dog has not forgotten the past. She is a medium size, sensitive and relatively quiet dog that suddenly sounds like she weighs at least 100 pounds and is all terror when the postman appears at the end of our walkway. She will attack the blinds, the door, the wall and anything she can to try to reach that postman. Neighbours who know her cannot believe it is her inside when they hear her barking at the postman.

The funny part of all of this is that it's only the post office that she holds the grudge against. She'll jump and bark at their vans as we walk by, and at anyone dressed in that specific uniform. UPS, FedEX, or any other delivery service does not even warrant enough attention for her to get off the couch and take a look at who's coming.

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