Tuesday, November 9, 2010


My dog loves the camera. No matter how hard I try to avoid having her in a picture, she almost always manages to get in it. The problem is the click the camera makes when I first turn it on as she can hear it from anywhere in the house, even if she seems to be in a deep sleep. Between the time of the first click and taking the picture, no matter how fast I am, she almost always makes it in time. She will leap from the end of the couch to the door and bound down the hallway, race around the corner and slide on the hardwood floor into the pic. Often it is just a small piece of her- part of a tail or an ear, or one eye, but almost every picture I've taken at home has a piece of my dog in it.

I've tried just about everything. I love my dog, but I don't need her in every single picture. I've smothered the camera when I turn it on, I've gone to the furthest area away from her in the house, I've tried to turn it on and take the picture simultaneously, but all of these attempts ultimately fail. She is never so fast as when she first hears that initial click of the camera.

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