Wednesday, November 10, 2010


My dog can become incredibly obsessed by certain things. Primarily small animals, such as cats and chipmunks, or crows, and always with flashes of light. When she has seen something that interests her she can stare at that same point for hours. I'm not exaggerating- she will literally sit there and stare at the same point for hours on end. You can try getting in her way and she will quickly crank her neck to see around you. You can try to persuade her with cookies or other treats but she remains focused.

The worst is when she has seen something in the backyard prior to going to bed at night. She will be up the entire night, staring out the tiny crack in the window. It's pitch black and you know she can't see a thing but still she stares. Throughout the night I'll wake up and look over and just be able to make out her ears and the back of her head, not having moved an inch from the many hours before that I had briefly woken up. Following one of these nights, she is absolutely exhausted by morning and usually spends the day asleep on the couch- recuperating from her night job.

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